ResNexus properties are registered with Availability Exchange and can choose to share their property info, availability, rates, etc. with any trusted OTA Partner that has completed the API integration process with Availability Exchange. In addition, ResNexus properties can automatically receive bookings from a OTA Partner via Availability Exchange.
The average Availability Exchange integration timeline is usually 2 months.
The first month accounts for the OTA Partner building matching endpoints and the connection being certified by ResNexus. The second month includes live testing by using 3-5 ResNexus properties to Alpha test the connection. Once the connection is deemed stable, the new OTA Partner will show up as an available booking channel to all ResNexus properties. The last phase may include marketing material to announce the new connection between ResNexus and the newly certified OTA Partner.
Review our API documentation to verify the endpoints available are compatible with your connection goals. At this time, Availability Exchange is designed to provide rates and availability, as well as allow reservations to be created. This API is not designed to share existing reservation information with partners.
Review the API agreement and request access to the API. By requesting access, you are agreeing to follow the API agreement. Once access is approved, you will be provided API credentials and can develop in the sandbox. If you want to provide credit card information when submitting reservations, you should inform your development contact at this step to ensure we have your PCI Attestation of Compliance (AOC) on file before you are certified.
Create your implementation plan and schedule an initial meeting with your development contact. Be prepared to discuss the following.
We will cover the marketing material requirements and provide templates to fill the information in. Please note you are required to have a complete implementation prior to moving on to the beta stage. This includes the getting started, ARI, and Reservations sections of the API documentation.
It is up to the approved API Partner to use their time and resources to build to Availability Exchange. ResNexus will answer any questions not clear in the in the current API documentation. Use the business information to match properties in your systems or as marketing lists for finding mutual customers.
You will be given access to 3-5 test properties when you are given credentials to access the API. The following business IDs are sandbox properties for use for testing and development, and are accessible after a partner goes live so they can continue development. If there are specific scenarios you need configured to test during implementation, please reach out to your technical contact to arrange the setup.
Certification is required to begin beta testing the connection with live properties. Once your endpoints are completed and connected to Availability Exchange, we will use the sandbox to test those connections. A ResNexus developer will work with you until your connection is stable. Stable means to have 5 successful calls to each endpoint. Once your connection is stable, request live access. ResNexus will then perform a certification test.
If you haven't already, your authorized representative should formally sign the terms and conditions. Use the "Get Businesses" API endpoint to see all the ResNexus properties that are registered and their property info.
When no errors are detected, you will receive your certification from ResNexus. Once certified, you can start sending reservations immediately for the following two cases: 1) Sending reservations without payment information or 2) You collect the payment. To send credit card information, you must provide a PCI AOC. Partners can use virtual cards or the original card information to send to ResNexus.
If you accept, process, create or transfer cards (including virtual cards) for use with AE Gateway, you need to be PCI Compliant. Check PCI Compliance below for more information.
No later than the date of requesting certification, you must provide your logo and marketing content to ResNexus to create a marketing page as well as a channel info page. The template for this information will have been provided during the initial kickoff meeting.
Perform live beta testing. The OTA partner will need to identify a minimum of 3 and up to 15 properties to suggest as beta test properties. You should have reached out to these properties and confirmed their interest in beta testing, while making clear the connection is in progress and there may be issues along the way. ResNexus will reach out to the properties identified by the OTA to ensure the properties are a good fit for the beta process. The OTA Partner should provide their logo to ResNexus.
ResNexus and the OTA Partner will closely monitor the reservation activity of these test properties for 30 days. This provides a polishing period for any small errors that may occur.
ResNexus and OTA Partner will work together to market the new partnership to mutual clients and properties. Marketing efforts may include a joint press release, webinar, or industry wide email.
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