API Authentication

Availability Exchange uses HTTP Authorization headers to authenticate users that make requests to the API.  Each request should have a Basic Authorization header with your 64-bit encoded user name and passkey that you receive after requesting access to the API.  This information is all that is needed to make requests to the API on your behalf and should be kept confidential.

User Name and Passkey

After you request access to the API, you should receive a user name and passkey from ResNexus within one business day.


Welcome to Availability Exchange!

Your user name is 'NotARealUserName' (without the quotes).  Your passkey will be sent in a separate email.

Encode Your Credentials

After receiving your username and passkey, transform '<YourUserName>:<YourPasskey>' into a 64-bit encoded string.  The example shows the 64-bit encoded string for 'NotARealUserID:NotARealPasskey'
(courtesy of 



Build an Http Auth Header

Each request you make to the API will need basic HTTP Authorization header.  The example shows what the text of the header would look like for the 64-bit encoded string from the previous example. 


Authorization: Basic Tm90QVJlYWxVc2VySUQ6Tm90QVJlYWxQYXNza2V5

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